Bijonse uputila emotivnu poruku na Dan majki

Juče je obeležen Dan majki, a tim povodom Bijonse je na svom Instagram profilu postavila fotografiju majke Tine iz mlađih dana, uz poruku zahvalnosti i ljubavi:

„Ne bih uspela da postignem sve što jesam, bez tvoje snage, mudrosti i molitvi. Moj najveći cilj u životu je da učinim da se moja deca osećaju voljeno, kao što si ti učinila da se mi osećamo“, napisala je između ostalog Bijonse.

Pored majke Tine, čije je fotografije iz različtih dobi podelila u kolažu, post sadrži i fotografije drugih majki, njenih prijateljica.

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Dear Mama, I am thankful for every part of you and every second I share with you. Thank you for giving me life and thank you for expanding my consciousness. I would not have been able to do any of what I’ve done in my life without your strength, your wisdom and your prayers. My biggest goal in life is for my children to feel the love you make us all feel. I appreciate you and thank you with every ounce of admiration and respect. To anyone reading, please thank and appreciate your mom today and everyday. I’m sending all my love and positivity to anyone missing their angel moms today. I love y’all deep. Gang gang gang gang ? and thank you for all the Mother’s Day wishes. Sending Big Texas hugs, Mama B?

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Izvor: TOPFM-Instagram Beyonce
Foto: Bigstock- Starfrenzy

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