Novi album Džesi Ver

Džesi Ver predstavila je novi album naziva „What’s your Pleasure?“.

Pevačica koja je u Beogradu svojevremeno održala koncert za pamćenje, nakon čega se ponovo vratila u srpsku prestonicu i snimila spot za pesmu „Spotlight“, publici je predstavila novu muziku.

„Jako sam uzbuđena što mogu da vam predstavim ovaj novi svet fantazije, seksualnosti i koketiranja“, napisala je povodom izlaska novog albuma.

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I am so so thrilled to welcome you to this new world of fantasy, sensuality and flirtation….What’s your Pleasure? is out now! Records should always be this fun to make! And that’s mainly thanks to the formidable @janesellisford and all the collaborators of this record. @shungudzo @icoffeejr @modelchild_____ @metronomy @kindnessmusic @_benjib @mathew_tavares @midlandsound @leotaylorgrooves @theinvisible3 @morgangeistnyc @theycallmeabimbola @senabmusic @julesbuckleymusic ? I hope you hear old and new Wareisms on the record, I really feel like I’ve finally arrived as an artist and feel damn good about it! Shout out to everyone who has been so supportive with this release. Listen, share and tell all your friends and future lovers about it! It’s my pleasure ?

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Izvor: TOPFM/Jessie Ware Instagram/YouTube
Foto: Bigstockphoto/Okhrymenko_Viacheslav


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